Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Friday 10th March 2023 I still had the tale end of my cold and stayed in bed until it was light outside so any electricity I used was generated by my solar panels. Yesterday when a technician from Switch Energy came to add ventilation to my loft insulation he told me that with solar panels if I waited in bed until it was light I would generate power for free saving money. I liked the sound of that I had a pain in my back from where my mattress was uneven or perhaps it was where the spring in my armchair was broken. The post arrived but I paid it no heed as I was warm and comfortable. Eventually I got up needing a pee and had a look: it was a fund raising pack from Diabetes UK and an Epilepsy Society tee shirt. I left the fund raising pack unopened on my food preparation surface. The diced beef intended for my evening meal had thawed out ready but I did no more with it. I needed onions to cook with it. The adage ‘don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today’ is familiar to me but well ‘sufficient unto the day the evil there of’ is another favourite… Not very much gallivanting done today in the evening I decided to go to the Co-op and see if there were any tempting offers. I decided: to give myself some exercise and save time; to run there and back…. When I was there, nothing caught my eye: so I bought a KFC chicken and chips for my evening meal with a coffee which I ate in the restaurant accompanied by the bland tedious music. The chips resembled cardboard in taste and texture….. A lady stood waiting for a family meal which made me wonder ‘do people really give their children this rubbish?’ Someone should inform the NSPCC. The coffee was surprisingly good: white americano which was out of character with the rest of the place.

Ivory’s Daily Gallivant Saturday 4th March 2023 Got out of bed early today and treated myself to a steaming hot shower. It’s Saturday, a Soul Café day. Had porridge for breakfast which I sweetened with Canerel. In a messenger conversation with Rick last week he suggested Aretha Franklin was the manager of the Soul Café and I replied:’ Thanks: James Joyce said ‘Mediocre Artists borrow: Great Artists Steal, I’m going to steel that for my next post about The Soul Café…..(true to my word I just have) I Googled Aretha Franklin and watched her perform ‘Respect’ and was surprised how much I enjoyed it. My tastes have changed. After breakfast I ran to the bus stop and noticed some sort of animal, in the road throwing itself up and down. It had patches of black and white fur, at first I thought it was a stunk …. A couple of motorists stopped to investigate it was a cat which had just been run over and this was its death spasms. A man picked it up making it clear it was a dead cat and put it on the verge. The bus was late and I stayed at the bus stop rather than having a look at the cat because I didn’t want to miss it. Somebody will miss the poor creature. I was wearing my new Diabetes UK hat with the organ bobble and when I got off the bus at Dibben Purlieu a lady complimented me on it and saying her daughter was diabetic and had bipolar. I had similar experiences with my Epilepsy Society tee shirt. It’s always good to know your not alone and there are people who care. Entering The Soul Café I was greeted by the smell of freshly brewed coffee in The Soul Café and it was chockablock with people. I sat near the serving hatch with ‘Brian the Lion’ and a tall bloke with a neatly trimmed beard name Roy. They talked to each other and as I found it difficult to hear got on with doing some thumbnail sketches of the surroundings. There was a homemade sausage roll that caught my eye and within a few moments I was eating it and boy it was good! Next I did some shopping in Hythe buying a magnifying glass in K J Mobility and some groceries in Lidl. I asked Julie how my blog could be improved and she suggested describing what it’s like living in Holbury in the shadow of the refinery mentioning things like last night’s explosion. I was tired when I got home cooked myself a meal of fish fingers, mixed vegetables and a jacket potato and slept through the evening waking up at about 10.00 And then going back to sleep waking up at 5ish the next morning.

Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Thursday March 2 2023: Waterside Writers- the joys of the aging process The alarm went off and I stayed in bed: toying with the idea of skipping the writing group, but my conscience got the better of me, so I went. It would be an opportunity to give out some of the cards promoting my blog: staying in bed all morning doesn’t make for a good daily gallivant. I got to Hythe and had enough time waiting for the Marchwood bus to have breakfast in Be Be’s. When I got to the writing class it was already well underway. It impressed me how much less I knew about writing than the others. Or perhaps it was because of my hearing. When I was growing up the one thing holding me back was: dyslexia. These days I’m deaf in my right ear and my eyesight is failing. ( I’m beginning to experience ‘the joys of the aging process’) At one point one of the ladies said she found little substance in best sellers. Afterwards I wondered if it possible people buy them because they’re not too challenging. Does anybody really want to be made to think too much? It’s a question of not going too far beyond the reader’s comfort zone. When I was growing up we lived with my Grandparents and my Grandmother often remarked about TV dramas that they didn’t finish right. I wasn’t allowed to get a word in edgewise but if I had would have said: ‘life doesn’t finish right’ She wanted peaceful entertainment. I believe the majority of people want to be entertained rather than educated. Good writing does both We looked at an anthology of poetry from the First World War: questioning which were the best to us and why. After the class, i caught the bus back to Hythe and had a ham salad in Be Be’s went home bought new batteries for my blood sugar monitor and slept until 6ish.