Ivor’s Daily Gallivant
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Ivor’s Daily Gallivant
Pricing Table
Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Thursday April 20 2023 Didn’t sleep last night and I got up early. Today was the day of my appointment with the diabetes specialist at the new Hythe Hospital. I took my blood sugar and it was 6.3 (well within target range). Breakfast was two cups of tea and a ham sandwich with mayonnaise (using Hovis brown bread) …I would normally had cereal but I was short of milk. I set off for the bus stop full pelt and when I got off near the hospital it was full pelt to the reception After booking my appointment I collapsed getting into my chair in the waiting room. Thinking it was probably low blood sugar I asked for something sweet. I’m not exactly clear what happened after the surgery water the crisis team took my blood sugar again it was 11. (Target range is 5 to 15 so not high) In accordance with my usual routine I ran to the bus stop and when I got off the bus from the bus stop closest Hythe Hospital ran to the reception. As I went to sat down I felt lightheaded and hot band stumbled. I thought it must be low blood sugar and asked for a surgery drink and was examined by two members of the crisis team. I was examined by the Diabetes Specialist and she said nothing that happened that morning was explained by my diabetes and has discharged me from treatment for diabetes. She noted I’m obese and sent an email to my GP to arrange I’m put on an online weight management scheme. The doctor from the crisis team gave me further blood pressure tests and an ECG and let me go I’d collapsed because I’d rushed myself too much probably. I had a gentle stroll down to Lidl and bought a few things and caught the bus home. When I got home and feeling better I remembered wanting to get some printing done and wanting to buy a replacement frying plan. So returned to Hythe. The bus arrived and I saw Lee waiting I put the ramp down and hit my right foot on it. Later in the afternoon it began to ache: at first I thought it was an ingrown toenail. And I tried socking it in warm salted water. The I thought it was more likely a browse from the accident with the wheelchair ramp so a cold press on it. Now it’s got cold again
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Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Wednesday April 19 2023 Last night I set the alarm on my iPad for 8.00 when it sounded this morning I didn’t respond. At 12.00 I finally drained to actually rouse myself. My first thought was I’d missed my diabetes foot screening appointment, but looked at my organiser and it’s not until tomorrow. I treated myself to a ham sandwich and realised I hadn’t taken my blood sugar reading but reasoned that as had been well within target range for quite a while :so it wasn’t a tragedy. The most important thing for me to do today was get my Co-op Bank app working so when the transfer was completed I’d be able to check my balance daily: which is my usual practice. So I ran to the bus stop (in the interest of keeping fit my usual practice) and when I got there felt better for the exertion. There were a couple of young ladies at the bus stop with a pram, one of them with cigarette. When I got into town and was at the bank getting my app sorted out was child’s play. I realised I didn’t have a sketch pad with me so went into The Works and bought the cheapest one I could find (£2.50) then I found I didn’t have a pen to draw with and decided there’s loads of pens at home and buying another was wasteful. I asked the lady who served me in The Works how she was and she said it was nice to be at work because her daughter is a lippy 13 year old. I remarked I’m sure she’s not all bad and the lady agreed. I had a coffee, checked no one had handed in my Diabetes UK hat with Blue Star Lost Property which they hadn’t bought a loaf and a piece of ginger in Lidl, and caught the bus home I was undecided what to have as my evening meal, there was the fish balls I’d bought in the Chinese Supermarket, which I cooked in a saucepan with some of the peppers I’d frozen, some frozen cauliflower and broccoli, one of the cut priced chillis from a recent previous shopping trips I mixed in a vegetable stock. For carbs I did a couple of slices of toast. It tasted good. A couple of unfortunate things happened the handle of my frying plan fell off and I set fire to the handle of one of my knives where it went into the gas fame. I pushed it onto the kitchen floor and fortunately had the presence of mind not to try and stamp the flame out which would have damaged my expensive trainers.
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Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Tuesday April 18 2023 Woke up at about 10.30 my cold is better but I’ve still not completely recovered. Got up took my meds, checked my blood sugar and ate some breakfast. (An apple and some fruit and fibre). Got a text through about my diabetes foot screening appointment next Thursday at Hythe Hospital (I was expecting it to be at Blackfield Health Centre so a disaster has been avoided) I decided It’s too late to go to Hythe Market today as it was almost midday when I finished my breakfast. For lunch I finished off the corned beef making a sandwich with some mayonnaise with it and more tea. My plan was to do the hoovering next but decided postpone it and write a letter to a friend. It was 14.31 when I finished the letter and I sent it off to The Herald and Advertiser to be printed. At 15.19: finally, I did my half hour hoovering ration for the day and my living room is looking more civilised. By 16.45 it had rained and was colder. I decided to miss Waterside Art Group and settle down for a warm evening under my throw blanket. My portable chair arrived and I’m planning to leave opening on my birthday. I treated myself to a portion of the frozen beef stew I made a few days earlier with some pasta to go with it. Without wishing to brag it was delicious.(18.33) Later in the evening I tried microwaving a sweet potato with coconut oil and cinnamon: sadly it was underwhelming. Not much favour and dry.
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Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Monday April 17 2023 Got up at about ten and I still haven’t shifted my cold so will skip lunch at October Books (but the good news is I’m on the mend). No matter I can do a little more towards my ongoing campaign to make my bungalow look like it’s inhabited by a civilised human being by doing half an hour hoovering. Which will bring me nicely up to lunchtime when I’ll finish off the corned beef in the fridge. As I wrote the above my mobile rang but I couldn’t find it immediately because it had fallen into my armchair. When I did it was the bank texting saying they wanted to help me make the most of my money (promoting their savings products was of course never in their thoughts) and a friend had tried to call me yesterday. I tried calling her on my landline without success and then sent a text message which with my cheap and cheerful mobile wasn’t easy. Then I realised I had been trying to phone and text the wrong number. So I phoned the correct number and got through. After our chat: It was now lunchtime so I had the second of the especially tasty Scotch eggs (which I’d bought in the reduced to clear section of the Co-op) with some pickle and a cup of tea.( Rather than having a corned beef sandwich as planned: even when I’m alone my anarchist spirit prevails) I picked up the rubbish which was on my living room floor so that I could do the hoovering then kitchen timer sounded indicating half an hour had passed so I dutifully downed tools and treated myself to a tea. Tomorrow I will be able to do some more. After tea I’ll do half an hour on my latest painting. Whilst doing the tidying I noticed a discarded painting in my spare bedroom and thought with some work it could be improved. (Also I ordered a portable chair from that prominent online retailer whose name never passes my lips.) The chair is for use on painting trips and waiting at bus stops. I Googled dealing with a cold and it suggested rest, fluids and fresh air. So I ran to the One Stop (which gave me exercise and fresh air), and bought a bottle of Robinsons Orange Juice and checked it is sugar free. I’m also a bit wheezy and thanks to another Google search found out that a hot steamy shower is recommended. Hopefully I’ll be in full health soon.
A day when I was still suffering from a cold. What I did about it and how it altered my routine.
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Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Sunday April 16 2023: another day with no gallivant to speak of. Still got this cold, I crawled out of bed later than usual. And had a bowl of fruit and fibre and an apple. Still not 100% it was back to bed for me. I googled ‘ dealing with the common cold’ and it suggested rest and fluids. So that’s what I’m doing. My throw blanket is keeping me warm and I can always drink another cup of tea. For my midday which I had a corned beef and sweet pickle sandwich. The pickle was an own brand variety rather than a special branded type but I doubt if anyone could tell the difference: or at least I can’t especially when I’ve got a cold. What with one thing and another my bungalow is a mess. There would be too much to do if I just settled down to do it all in a single session. So today I did a little work on the bathroom setting my kitchen timer for half an hour to give me cut off point. By the time my alarm went off I was pleasantly surprised with how much I’d got done. Nothing for it but treat myself to a drop more tea and decide what to do with the rest of the day. I chose to look up a few more of the coastal locations in preparation for ‘The 2023 Diary Adventures’ fundraiser scheme. For my evening meal I took out a foil tray labelled ‘Savoury mince’ which I heated in the microwave and had with rice. I’ve been eating potatoes most days and recently had pasta so rice will be a change. After, some thought I decided I would run to The Co-op and see if they had some salad in their cut price section but they didn’t. However I bought some king pawns and two Scotch eggs at reduced prices and treated myself to two orange twirls justifying the purchase by the fact my blood sugar was well within target range this morning. When I came back from running to and from The Co-op I felt great and thought ‘I’m soon going to shift this cold’. After eating I watched the telly for a while and decided to go to bed.
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Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Saturday April 15 2023 I still haven’t thrown off this cold and am wondering if it’s covid: so ( after treating myself to a shower) phoned the Pharmacy to see what the procedure was for picking up a test kit. The test kits don’t amount to a lot and cost £2 which was expensive. I phoned Margret and told her I had a really bad cold and was testing for covid to make sure I was safe. Before I got up this morning I was thinking about food: cooking it and eating it. Last night I coated the beef for my stew in flour mixed with salt, pepper and mixed herbs. In the frying plan I was cooking the onions and when they were done I spooned them into the slow cooker: taking each piece out individually and placed it in the olive oil. I saw a YouTube video about microwaving sweet potatoes and bought some coconut oil cinnamon and kitchen paper so I could try it. As I cooked the beef : I put each of the pork chops from the family pack into a separate plastic bag and put the bags in the top of the freezer. In the frying plan I put dissolved an OXO cube and added the remaining flour and used my balloon whisk to stop lumps forming . Next I added a tin of chopped tomato and chilli, and once everything was properly mixed added it to the meat and onions. And finally added some chestnut mushrooms, the remains of a jar of English mustard and some Worcesters sauce. It was going to be a meal like no other. I ate some with a microwaved jacket potato and put the remainder of the mixture in two foil dishes: and put them in the freezer for when they were needed. By evening I’d still got my cold and was tired. So I had another cup of tea and went to bed.
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Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Friday April 14 2023 I did go out today but descending it as a gallivant is inaccurate: but I use gallivant in an attempt at humour and hope my readers (if there’s more than one of you will excuse a little poetic license every once in a while) I woke early but felt rough my cold was in full throws. I have reasoned it’s not Covid and think it is caused by using a throw blanket in a cold room. When I get up I get chilled which doesn’t help my cold. I went out with two things that needed doing: fix my mobile so it charges and sort out my bank account. My mobile was the cheapest on offer in Tesco and I have a top up pay as you go contract for it, which as I use it sparingly is ideal. A more expensive phone with a better contract with my level of usage would be a complete waste of money. It was almost lunchtime when I got to Hythe and I stopped off at Be Be’s for a meal. There was a new item on the menu ‘Pasta Bake with mince’ which I ordered. As I always try to be a little adventurous with my food. It came with either salad or chips: I chose salad because it’s more diabetic friendly. After lunch I continued on to Applemore Tesco and bought a new lead for my mobile which is now happily charging. Then onto my bank. When I got home there was a package waiting for me. I opened it and it was the insulin holder which I’d ordered. I would now be able to go on holiday more easily and I might use it when I went on my 2023 Diary Adventure My plan for the evening meal was a tin of soap but I looked in my fridge and there was vine tomatoes, corned beef, mayonnaise and buttery spread. I had a Hovis loaf and some English Mustard so I left the soup for another day and had a corned beef and tomato sandwich with mustard and mayonnaise…..as my Gran used to say ‘How the poor live’ Once I finish this post I’ll go into the kitchen put the oven on: make a sandwich for tomorrow and cut my chestnut mushrooms up and put them in the freezer. I used to just have the cheaper mushrooms but discovered the chestnut mushrooms are tastier: as my dad used to say ‘to hell with the expense give the cat another canary’
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Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Thursday April 13th 2023 If we were to believe the superstitious in our midst this would be an unlucky day but my experience today suggests that is complete bunkum or if not actually complete bunkum, a sizeable portion of bunkum. One of the first things I did was to go for a run round the block and when I’d finished I felt amazing: and I knocked about two minutes off yesterday’s time. I woke at six and decided to stay in bed until seven and when the alarm didn’t go off and I looked at the time it was four minutes past seven. Which to those with a really keen eye on the clock would be a tragedy of epic proportions: but for me, a happy retiree no big deal. I have a personal adage ‘Life’s too short to hurry’ and now I’m happily retired it is very true. I looked at Facebook and saw it’s the birthday of one of my friends which is further proof that the thirteenth unlucky is bunkum. I worked through various bits and pieces towards ‘The 2023 Diary Adventure project’ which went well and set out to Southampton to sort out my new bank account and do some shopping. As I ran to the bus stop it started to rain and then the rain turned to hail. Of course this could be put down to bad luck but from my prospective it was unfavourable climatic conditions. On the bus I met Patrick and we discussed various things which I would be better able to recount if we weren’t both of us a little hard of hearing. Anyway despite our difficulties we had an agreeable chat. He had a look at my blog and said he’d kept a diary when he was 11. And described the various types of blogs that are written. Come to think of it I started a childhood diary which went wrong where I fell behind on the daily entries….another problem with my early diary was the spelling, where I said ‘I had a cup of ten’ rather than ‘a cup of tea’. A more literate acquaintance (the majority people in those days) pointed out the error finding extremely amusing. (It’s funny how you lose touch with people) I showed PatrIck one of the sketchbooks which I’d intended to add to but found when I actually started work on it I’d left my pen behind. Another setback but it wasn’t really down to luck I don’t think. I got home and tried to open my new Co op Bank account but somehow didn’t manage it but that’s not really down to luck either is it? (I’ll just have to have another trip to Southampton tomorrow which will be another in my endless series of gallivants. I’ll be able to visit The Central Lending Library, get some tea bag’s and do some sketching) So rather than being unlucky it was a blessing in disguise I also sent Kat a pdf of Thirty Mostly Quirky Tales as a Birthday present.
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Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Wednesday April 12 2023 A busy day but a day without gallivant as such, when I started preparing plans for the next 2023 Diary Adventures and something else which could prove more important and more profitable. Ran to the Co op and back buying: chillis in the cut price section, pink lady apples, and Japanese rice snacks. Did some cooking Quorn mince with onions, peppers, chestnut mushrooms, tinned tomatoes with chilli and garlic. With pasta. And an apple I had a messenger conversation with a friend who it was worried that what is in all probability piles but could be something more serious where I assured him using Google to back up my argument that bowl cancer is less common by a sizeable margin than piles. This prompted me to write an article suggesting people are given information about how unlikely serious outcomes are and how giving them this information would cut down their stress. ********************************************************************************** Before Christmas I found the television looked blurred which surprised me as I had recently had new glasses fitted. (Was it my eyes or was the telly on the blink I wondered?: and decided the former rather than the latter was the most likely explanation.) So went to my optician and they told me I had glaucoma like my mother. ‘Oh! Merry Christmas!’ I said and went for Christmas Dinner at a local restaurant to cheer myself up. A friend advised me not to worry about it but I remembered reading some advice for students with exams: Don’t worry: work! A couple of days later: in a more rational state of mind I went to the library and they printed out the RNIB leaflet on Glaucoma for me. It would have saved me a lot of anxiety and I would have arranged the follow up steps a lot quicker if the optician had referred me to the RNIB straight away. Why not make it standard practice for opticians to print out the RNIB leaflet as standard Practice? A friend told me on messenger yesterday he was worried he might be bowl cancer because of blood from his back passage and in his poo: I suggested contacting his GP as soon as possible. which wasn’t easy with the current strike conditions. I asked him if he does a lot of sitting and he said: ‘yes ‘ ‘Then piles are the most likely possibility’ (I’d Googled ‘are piles more common than bowl cancer’) Everyone awaiting results for any medical condition will experience anxiety and the best way to help lessen it would be when it’s improbable to tell the likelihood of a worse case scenario. My suggestion is arranging this information is made available as soon as possible. Found a website that will value the article. If I can sell it the prices start at £200 which would be amazing.
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Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Tuesday April 11 2023 I last did an entry for April 4 and here I am on April 11 at this rate it might be wise to rename my blog Ivor’s Occasional Gallivant. Rather than try and cover the lost ground I’m going to leave a gap. Whilst I write this there’s heavy rain outside pounding on my conservatory roof. I was up early this morning when the weather was comparatively fine. I ran round the block and am feeling good. Had a messenger chat with Rick who’s got health issues to deal with. I went to Bournemouth on the bus meeting Isabell on the bus stop. When I got to Hythe I picked up my printing from The Herald and Advertiser office and had Hunters chicken in Be Be’s. I met Paul and his daughter in Be’s. I had a word with her she’s 9 and says she loves woodcraft. I said: ‘I wish I was 9 again’ My planned routine is to go along to The Waterside Art Group this evening but with the weather the way it is (cold and rainy I decided against going.
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Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Wednesday April 4 2023: The start of my 2023 Diary “Adventure Fundraising for Diabetes UK As is my usual habit I set my alarm so I had ten minutes before the bus was due. (It avoids unnecessary waiting around) I was about three quarters of the way to the stop when I realised I forgotten my mobile which was an essential for staying in touch with my friend Andy Burch aka The Scallywag. I would just have to run back home and get it. And there was now a real possibility of not getting to the train on time and the whole day messed up. So off I went full pelt to get my mobile. Full pelt isn’t exactly an Olympic gold medalist’s speed I’m 68 and have a tough of rheumatism in my knees. But I managed to get the mobile and back to the bus stop in time. Then the bus arrived late. Whilst on the bus I sent The Scallywag a text message that said I would be late. It seemed a reasonable assumption. Hoŵever when I got to Frobisher House where I had arranged to meet him in The Subway he wasn’t there. When I got to the bus stop I realised I’d lost my Diabetes UK Hat ‘Now what shall I do?’ I wondered and made my way towards the station. I heard him which was a lucky break I’m deaf in my right ear. And it was lunchtime. My plan was that we would eat in Subway but we decided because it wasn’t long before the train would arrive to get a snack in The Coop (One of the essentials of diabetes management is eating regularly, it’s also important for controlling epilepsy which another of my maladies) We had our snack and got on the train. And were off at one point the train passed Brockenhurst College where we had both taken courses. I did a City and Guilds course in photography and I’m afraid I think The Scallywag did a GCSE in Ceramics. I’d taken the course about the turn of the century and used a dark room develop films which I imagine is now no longer in use. During the train journey I did some sketches. The Scallywag not wanting to be drawn made stringent efforts to hide his face. I lived in Bournemouth through most of my childhood, had my first jobs and a good deal of my childhood so finding my way round is not difficult. Anyway onto today’s mission getting some images of the sea. We sat outside the Offshore Café with a tea and I did a watercolour when it started to rain so we went into the Café and I continued sketching. A lady saw me sketching and was curious, we had a brief conversation and I gave her one of my promotional cards for this blog let’s hope she sees it. I booked a return ticket which was too late for Andy late we went into Asda to keep out of the rain. I bought some smoked garlic butter hake and a small piece of (for me ) over expensive blue cheese. We went into the Mac Donald’s Restaurant (any port in a storm) Any bought a burger and a piece of cake ( I must try and persuade him to cut on on his sugar consumption he’s diabetic too)and I bought a cup of tea. It was chockablock with screaming kids (At times like this it seems that not having children is a blessing in disguise) On the way to the station it was still raining and I did my Gene Kelly impersonation: ‘Singing in the rain’ (I don’t know why ) The Scallywag enquired to the ticket office and we were able get an earlier train no trouble. I don’t know if you’re ever come across a Scallywag yourself but you’d be surprised how resourceful they can be. We’d had fun, overcome challenges and I’d get some pictures to work on.
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Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Tuesday April 4 2023 I surfaced at about 12.00 as I was unable to get much sleep last night. Began the day by taking my blood sugar and messaging a couple of friends. I planned to do some housework but it never got beyond the planning stage. Another intention was to do a slow cooked beef stew but that didn’t get done either. And I was scheduled to go to Hythe Market this morning: another failed deadline. I gave my Memoir a little thought but didn’t actually do any work on it. And what I thought will probably be of no use. This evening was Waterside Art Group and I actually went to that. Spent the time filling in colour on my latest painting and I’m reasonably pleased with how it’s coming on. I felt nice and stroppy as I painted. Painting is a great way to burn off pent up anger. Caught the bus home although for some reason I don’t understand the ticket machine wouldn’t accept my bus pass. Had a word with Bernadette on the way out she’s going to switch from watercolours to large abstract oil paintings. Everything is now sent for the Bournemouth trip tomorrow.
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