Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Tuesday August Tuesday 15 to Friday 18 What I had planned (1) Tell GP Surgery about my change of mobile number. (Not done) (2) Sort out double-glazing contractors (not done) (3) Set up new mobile with numbers for GP, Dentist, Eye Hospital, General Hospital (done) (4) Visit Hythe Market (didn’t go) (5) Waterside Art Group (didn’t go) What actually happened I was up since the early hours unable to sleep, but eventually, I went to bed and slept till about 12. when I did get up, not much happened. Same old, same old. Scrabble turned out much as ever with Andy winning both games. Wednesday 16 I can’t at the time of writing (it’s Thursday) think what happened, and I dare say if anything important and relevant happened I would remember. Thursday 17 Got up early after having given some thought, time and effort trying to help a friend the previous night and believe my efforts will have a good result. We all only have so many hours in our lives and the hours I spent last night and today, trying to help I will not be regretted. Got my new white shirt pressed in the dry cleaner in Hythe ready for the funeral tomorrow and took some money out to pay for my recent towel shave. I offered the barber some extra money for the trouble I’d put him to. He said it’s against my religion to accept extra. I hope he wasn’t offended. Went to the free cook up In Blackfield Baptist Church and sat at a table with Christine (who I’d met the previous day) and another Lady. I had a chicken thigh with various vegetables and roast potato, followed by a tart. Friday 18 Uncle Jim’s funeral, I woke at 9.00 and left home as fast as possible almost forgetting to take my medication with me. I wasn’t sure if I was cutting things too finely. It was raining hard, and the trousers of my suit got wet, and I worried I would look a mess at the funeral. When I got to Southampton Central I felt hurry and got a small tuna baguette in Subway with a coffee. When I got to Dorchester South Station I didn’t know how St Peter’s Church so asked a bloke with a long beard who was with a lad for directions. And got a bus to the High Street and had a pasty and a coffee before going to the funeral. Almost arrived late. It was a lovely 14th century church with a freeze based on The Last Supper behind the altar. After the service we went for tea, sandwiches and cakes to the Posh Partridge. I caught the train back to Southampton with Rosemary, Andy, Tom and Ellie.

Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Tuesday August a 15, 2023 What I had planned (1) Tell GP Surgery about my change of mobile number. (Not done) (2) Sort out double-glazing contractors (not done) (3) Set up new mobile with numbers for GP, Dentist, Eye Hospital, General Hospital (done) (4) Visit Hythe Market (didn’t go) (5) Waterside Art Group (didn’t go) What actually happened I was up since the early hours unable to sleep, but eventually, I went to bed and slept till about 12. when I did get up, not much happened. Same old, same old. Scrabble turned out much as ever with Andy winning both games. Wednesday 16 I can’t at the time of writing (it’s Thursday) think what happened, and I dare say if anything important and relevant happened I would remember. Thursday 17 Got up early after having given some thought, time and effort trying to help a friend the previous night and believe my efforts will have a good result. We all only have so many hours in our lives and the hours I spent last night and today, trying to help I will not be regretted. Got my new white shirt pressed in the dry cleaner in Hythe ready for the funeral tomorrow and took some money out to pay for my recent towel shave. I offered the barber some extra money for the trouble I’d put him to. He said it’s against my religion to accept extra. I hope he wasn’t offended. Went to the free cook up In Blackfield Baptist Church and sat at a table with Christine (who I’d met the previous day) and another Lady. I had a chicken thigh with various vegetables and roast potato, followed by a tart. Friday 18 Uncle Jim’s funeral, I woke at 9.00 and left home as fast as possible almost forgetting to take my medication with me. I wasn’t sure if I was cutting things too finely. It was raining hard and the trousers of my suit got wet and I worried I would look a mess at the funeral. When I got to Southampton Central I felt hurry and got a small tuna baguette in Subway with a coffee. When I got to Dorchester South Station I didn’t know how St Peter’s Church so asked a bloke with a long beard who was with a lad for directions. And got a bus to the High Street and had a pasty and a coffee before going to the funeral. Almost arrived late. It was a lovely 14th century church with a freeze based on The Last Supper behind the altar. After the service we went for tea, sandwiches and cakes to the Posh Partridge. I caught the train back to Southampton with Rosemary, Andy, Tom and Ellie.

Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Saturday August 12, 2023 Got up in the middle of the night and spent until the early hours messaging people. I went to the Soul Café and explained to Kathy who used to work at Marcella why I had decided to move on. Phil said Rory witnessed the signing of my Will and now a legally binding document. After the Soul Café I went to St. Andrews Coffee House and bought a bowl of homemade mushroom soup and a cup of tea. When I have paid, I found I didn’t have my check card and paid with cash, My card was probably at home otherwise I was in a mess. I noticed on the way to the toilet there was a display of D-day memorabilia in a small room on the other side of the corridor. And I went to have a look. A lady from the local history Society I imagine showed me round. There was a period map displaying where the bomb craters were from bombs which had been dropped on the Waterside to lighten the payload of the aircraft back from bombing Southampton. It also showed the location of unexploded bombs, which are there to this day. There were models of American and British tanks and armoured vehicles. Aircraft identification posters. I caught the bus back to Holbury and found my card exactly where I’d left it on the table. Ran to the bus stop back and caught the bus into Southampton. It was late afternoon by the time I got to Southampton and worried that The Words (a budget artist material shop I use) might have be about to close ran from the bus stop. It was still open and I bought one of the largest canvases in stock. Whilst waiting my weak bladder got the best of me. Somebody recently remarked age is just a number in my experience that increasing it’s true. I had a sausage role and a coffin in Café Nero At the bus stop I saw Patrick and caught the bus home it was very crowded but fortunately a couple of lads gave up their seats for us.

Ivor’s Daily Gallivant Wednesday August 9, 2023 Somehow my Scanner still thought she could pull a fast one on me, so I reported her to Facebook and blocked her. Then we chanced upon another equally stupid scammer from Nigeria this time. I have reported and deleted both of them. She had suggested I give her $350 to meet her at Southampton Art Gallery. when I said no, she suggested $150. I said no once again. How much will you give me she enquired? Zero dollars I replied. Later, I messaged her and asked if she would like to pay me to visit Southampton art gallery with her. She replied how much would it cost? I replied: £270. (Roughly equivalent of $350). She said she didn’t have the money in her bank account at the moment. I replied: why don’t you save up the money? I learnt later that scamming a scammer is equally a no no legally can only hope when if my case comes to court, I will be treated with leniency. Then I tried a lady Texas, and first I thought. Here we go again. As the conversation followed its course, my recently acquired cynical, cold, heart began slowly to melt. This just might be something good. There was some pictures of her, which she asked me to have a look at. I looked carefully and noticed you had brown eyes and long black hair. She didn’t look like a fashion queen, but she didn’t look too bad…… They say these things happen when you least expect them. Maybe last night early next morning something happened. I didn’t sleep, but when it was daylight searched for a picture of Salisbury Cathedral but couldn’t find one. The search involved looking through my sketchbooks. I didn’t find a picture of spanking of but was impressed by the sketchbooks that I did find. And found some more of my paintings, which I’ve put aside for the exhibition and mislead. Lady luck is shining on me again finally. I’m going to try hard although not too hard to blow it.