Ivor’s Daily Gallivant
Saturday October 7, 2023
Woken by my alarm at 7.00 and didn’t get up until 8.00 and went to an Anti-Boycott Law protest in Guildhall Square this morning. The law would Prevent Israeli goods being boycotted. We sang songs, collected signatures. On the bus to the guildhall, I did some sketching and some more when I arrived at the demonstration. Unfortunately, there weren’t many people there, but I’d offered my support.
It was lunchtime when the demo was finished, and I wondered round looking for something nice and cheap. I found a restaurant on the first floor of the Marlands Centre called Perogarmia which sold Traditional Polished Dumplings and I decided to try some.
There were a variety to choose from and I chose chicken with soured cream. The closest thing to Polish dumplings I can think of is ravioli. They are both filled dough cases. Mine were filled with chicken mince, cheese and what might have been spinach and pleasantly spiced.
On the bus home I sat upstairs near the front and did some more sketching. In the seat in front of me were a grandmother and Grandfather with their three Grandchildren- a girl and two boys.
When I got home, I cooked a large portion of risotto.
When I wrote up today’s edition I decided to add captions to the pictures I included using my iPad.
Ivor’s Daily Gallivant
Saturday October 7, 2023
Woken by my alarm at 7.00 and didn’t get up until 8.00 and went to an Anti-Boycott Law protest in Guildhall Square this morning. The law would Prevent Israeli goods being boycotted. We sang songs, collected signatures. On the bus to the guildhall, I did some sketching and some more when I arrived at the demonstration. Unfortunately, there weren’t many people there, but I’d offered my support.
It was lunchtime when the demo was finished, and I wondered round looking for something nice and cheap. I found a restaurant on the first floor of the Marlands Centre called Perogarmia which sold Traditional Polished Dumplings and I decided to try some.
There were a variety to choose from and I chose chicken with soured cream. The closest thing to Polish dumplings I can think of is ravioli. They are both filled dough cases. Mine were filled with chicken mince, cheese and what might have been spinach and pleasantly spiced.
On the bus home I sat upstairs near the front and did some more sketching. In the seat in front of me were a grandmother and Grandfather with their three Grandchildren- a girl and two boys.
When I got home, I cooked a large portion of risotto.
When I wrote up today’s edition I decided to add captions to the pictures I included using my iPad.